This light sensitive work combines photography with Illustration. The act of drawing begins where the photograph ends. In the ongoing series Hybrid, this work offers a transformative experience that oscillates between what is real and what is not.
Through my creative practice, I explore a sense of void within mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. How one chooses to fill these empty spaces makes us who we are as individuals. In this work I explore these empty spaces.
I begin my photographic process in a very meticulous and left-brained manner. The model’s pose, setting, lighting and exposure are thoroughly planned out in advance. After the digital capture, I create voids by digitally erasing sections of each photograph. In contrast, I fill these voids by drawing onto the photograph with a fine point pen in a very freeform and spontaneous manner.
Through this work, I offer a subjective view of the inner mind, one that plays between the duality of knowing and feeling. My photographs present a simple truth of light documentation while my drawings explore the many layers of my own psyche. Both are necessary to fill the voids we inevitably create within our lives, offering a space for healing of the body and mind. It is my hope that this work gives others, like it gave me, permission to heal.
This light sensitive work combines photography with Illustration. The act of drawing begins where the photograph ends. In the ongoing series Hybrid, this work offers a transformative experience that oscillates between what is real and what is not.
Through my creative practice, I explore a sense of void within mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. How one chooses to fill these empty spaces makes us who we are as individuals. In this work I explore these empty spaces.
I begin my photographic process in a very meticulous and left-brained manner. The model’s pose, setting, lighting and exposure are thoroughly planned out in advance. After the digital capture, I create voids by digitally erasing sections of each photograph. In contrast, I fill these voids by drawing onto the photograph with a fine point pen in a very freeform and spontaneous manner.
Through this work, I offer a subjective view of the inner mind, one that plays between the duality of knowing and feeling. My photographs present a simple truth of light documentation while my drawings explore the many layers of my own psyche. Both are necessary to fill the voids we inevitably create within our lives, offering a space for healing of the body and mind. It is my hope that this work gives others, like it gave me, permission to heal.